Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I couldn't post from about two weeks, wondered why,cant think of a Reason for it.
I was wondering...... ,I started ma career in software development in 2004.(new comer isn't it???? ;) ) but I think as a software Developer we have to have self satisfaction about what we have done and what we have to do isn't it? However, but now I think I'm fed up with ma work. Thinking of moveing away.Anyway i have decided to resign.May be it's ma fault. :( so ?All of you Comfortable with your work and place? I never think about the Name of the company.i am just asking about what you all feel about your work place?So what you all think about it???Write some comments here.It will be of use to me. Thanks everyone!!!!


Charith Jayasinghe said...

Mine is a nightmare!

Charith Jayasinghe said...

Mine is a Nightmare

Charith Jayasinghe said...

Mine is a nightmare