Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ashi has came back...

One of ma good friend; ashini(Akki) has came back to blogging again ('coz of my request. ;-) ) She's a very close friend of mine and a good sister for me. I always try to accept all her advice ;) (even though you think you are not a good adviser. lol...) and those advice is worth for me. I have changed some qualities of mine. he he he... As my knowledge we don't know how much we are worth for others. So you have to start a new blog life with all your thoughts, and with your knowledge (which is being updated daily... ). So wish you all the best Akki !!!

You can visit her blog....


Ashieee said...

hehehe ayyo u r crazy.. anyway thanks for encouraging me.. and i'll try to keep up the promise as much as i can ok... but i sure think ur blog and articles are much better than mine... keep it up malli...

Ashieee said...
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