Normally I use anti-reflect Lenses when I am working.But last 2 days I forgot to bring it. So I feel bit uncomfortable when I am working.One of my office buddy gave me a article about what you can do with your Monitor to Save your Eyes. So I felt it's worth while to bring out some information out here......
By side staring at my monitor hour after hour Cause headaches and eye fatigue.according to the article one of simple thing we can do to help this problem is to raise the refresh rate. Monitors often come with refresh rates set too low, I.e. 60 Hz which causes flickering. A higher refresh rate helps reduce the flickering effect and lessen eye strain.(More than 75Hz).(You can usually set your refresh rate under display properties/settings. Also, RefreshForce is a free tool that lets you quickly change the monitor's refresh rate.)
Another cause of eye strain that many people tend to just live with is font size. Higher resolutions on monitors can cause quite small fonts. Also, many web sites use small fonts. If you catch yourself leaning toward the monitor, or squinting uncomfortably, right click on your desktop to bring up display properties, select appearance, and choose font size. You can further adjust the font you see when surfing by choosing text size from Internet Explorer's view menu and selecting your preference. This may cause some of your favorite web pages to display a little oddly, but at least you'll be able to read them!
Make sure you have proper lighting on your monitor (it's more effective to have a light shining from behind your shoulder or above the monitor than behind the desk).
Even using these measures, we should take frequent breaks from the computer. Look away from your monitor at least once every fifteen minutes; preferably, step away from the computer altogether.
So try to take care of your eyes too,while you are working
1 comment:
Umm, one thing to point out as a long term computer user...
In my experience, do not ever have a light shining directly behind your monitor/LCD so that the light reflects off it into your eyes. Nothing kills your eyes faster than reflected light. Also, all the wrinkling is bad for the delicate skin around your eyes :)
For the same reason, make sure that the brightness is adjusted to an appropriate comfort level. Not too bright that it makes your eyes water, not too dark so that you need to peer closely to distinguish colours.
One more thing, the point of looking away is to allow your eyes to change focus. The best exercise is to look away from the monitor from time to time and try to focus on something that is farther away than the monitor... I usually look out of the window at a distant cloud or try to focus on something across the room.
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